Monday, August 5, 2013

3.0: Social Networking Privacy and Data Use

I have decided to review one of the website that I use so I came up with .for more information about its policies can be found here

What I got out from reading their policies is how they will user your information and what they will do if there is a breach in security on their site. Tagged has the right to use your information in many different ways to different users.

Tagged uses personally identifiable user information for the purposes of the Tagged website, the Tagged referral and friend list building. Personally identifiable information including members' pictures and names are displayed to people in order to facilitate user interaction on Tagged. Email addresses are used for the purposes of inviting new friends to join Tagged and to add users to members' friends' networks

Tagged has its privacy setting tools which allow users to set the privacy setting, so each user can set privacy and setting to let other users who can see their profiles (each user have the right to protect their information). You own the content and information that you post on Tagged and have the ability to control how it is shared through your privacy setting

Overall I believe tagged Terms of service and privacy policies are acceptable to the service they provide to the users. Terms and conditions are applied for protecting tagged itself and users. 


  1. Good post, i can gain some tips from this and answer questions like this better.
